Baby Harpers Newborn Photography Session, LeicesterLet me introduce to you, gorgeous baby Harper. She was born on the 20th of September weighing 7lb 13.5 oz; we welcomed her to the studio here in Whetstone, Leicester at 13 days old along with her mummy and daddy. They had received a voucher for a newborn session with us from a family member, this was an extra gift to celebrate their new arrival. We get quite a lot of gift vouchers brought purely for the fact that this is a lovely way to gift something that is personal and precious, without the pressure of getting colours/themes wrong. Most are ether baby shower gifts or arrival gifts and people ether buy the session or contribute towards the package that mum or dad decide to choose. We always send out a physical gift voucher so that the person has something in hand to give and for the receiver to open. After all we know the internet is great but it’s always slightly disappointing receive an e-card. We also put a lovely little letter about their gift in there too. Harper was an absolute gem for us during her session and it couldn’t have gone any better. We kept with fairly neutral colours and with dusky pinks than bright colours to ensure it fitted in with the colour scheme mum and dad wanted. As I’ve mentioned in previous blogs I always like to add in one colour set up just purely to have the different option there. For this session mum chose our purple set up with a beautiful flower wrap from Love Rosalie and a purple flower headband from Bumps Baby Beyond Props. We stuck away from props this time as mum preferred all the simple more detailed images. With that in mind our beanbag poses were important as these are the simplest and detailed images. Last but not least we finished off with their parent images. We captured some with harper and her daddy, then her mummy and then all together. We do this is every session so that parents get a variety of images and also get close ups as well. As a Leicester newborn photographer I believe in ensuring every moment is captured and cherished for years to come for every parent. If you would like to give a Newborn Voucher to a friend or family member please get in touch with us.
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